Welcome to the Coborn’s, Inc. Vendor Information Page

CURRENT VENDORS – Thank you for your partnership!
To Continue, Please Accept Our Terms & Conditions
- Vendor Portal
- Content. Vendor is solely responsible for the accuracy of the information submitted to the Vendor Portal. In the event any submitted information requires updating, Vendor is responsible for contacting Coborn’s and submitting accurate information. All information submitted to the Vendor Portal shall become property of Coborn’s upon submission.
- Users. Vendor shall be allowed access to the Vendor Portal to authorized users on their behalf (the “Users”). Each User shall be assigned a username and a password. It shall be Vendor’s responsibility to contact Coborn’s in the event a User’s access must be terminated or changed. Vendor shall be responsible for User’s actions as they relate to the Vendor Portal.
- Confidentiality. Vendor, including any User, shall not disclose any information discovered, collected, or observed on the Vendor Portal. The information on the Vendor Portal shall be considered confidential and should be treated as such.
- Portal Restrictions and Access. The Vendor Portal is hosted in a web-based environment. Coborn’s is not responsible for, nor can Coborn’s guarantee any level of operating time for the Vendor Portal. Access to the Vendor Portal is restricted by the host sites requirements and Vendor is responsible for securing access via current and supported web browsers. Coborn’s is not responsible for assisting Vendor with questions or concerns regarding browser requirements. Vendor will not have access to the Vendor Portal unless and until Coborn’s and Vendor have executed this Agreement and Vendor has paid any applicable fees as stated in Section 2 below.
- Permissions. Upon execution of this Agreement and creation of the Vendor account by Coborn’s, Vendor may access the Vendor Portal.
- Support and Contact Information. Coborn’s will provide limited support for the Vendor Portal as discussed and in accordance with the available Vendor Portal User Guide for Vendors. Coborn’s reserves the right to update these policies.
- Vendor Fees. Initially, access to Vendor Portal is free of charge. Coborn’s reserves the right, in their sole discretion to implement an access fee for usage of vendor portal.
- General Conditions. Coborn’s reserves the right, in their sole discretion to discontinue use of the Vendor Portal. In the unlikely event that occurs, Vendor would receive the pro-rated amount of any Fees paid for the remainder of the calendar year.
- Limitations of Liability. Coborn’s is not responsible for (a) technical failures of any kind; (b) the unavailability or inaccessibility of any website or server; or (c) any damage to persons or property, including but not limited to Vendor’s computer or mobile phone, which may be caused directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, from Vendor’s use of the Vendor Portal, regardless of whether the material was prepared by Coborn’s.
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